Friday, 19 June 2015

Tiger and lion

When I was there: I told them I was from here.
And when I was here: I told them I was from there. 
But really I was from no where.

A no where child, with a no where way.
Making up the no where rules as she went along.

Tired feet now? where's the solid ground!
The no where child from the no where place now even more invisible. 
The no where child from the no where place can't be found.

Cry for the ground.
Cry for the solid soft place to be found
Can you wrap a tiger in a blanket, make a prowling lion safe
Maybe only with time and truth, which morphs into a thorny relationship of love.

It would be lovely to finish the story there 
Lion and tiger wrapped up safe free of fear.

But there is a life to be lived there are many years ahead.
The relationships like a roller coaster ride in the safe the tiger and lion try to abide

Primal energy pushing it all on the no where child the tiger and the lion surging on
Giving life a go dancing in the blue hunting in the black singing in the pink and resting in the flack.

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